March Photo Challenge . Shades Of Marigold
March’s Theme is ‘Shades of Marigold’ If you’re in my Grey Salt Collective Facebook Group you’ve seen this one before, and might remember it was
Are your sleeves rolled up?
Great. Let's do the thing you've been promising yourself.
work your craft
practicing alongside community is more fun
Mastering equal parts art + technique + mechanics will get you in the ballpark of being a capable photographer.
Passion + dedication + practice will shoot you to the moon.
If you’re self disciplined enough to get that practice in consistently, awesome.
If you’re like most of us, you need a little help.
GSC is your little helper & she keep things simple.
A new prompt/theme/challenge each month. Work on it, weave in what you need to learn, improve or stretch. Share your images with others who are doing the very same thing, (with passion) because they’re also aiming for the moon.
GSC was dreamed up, and is moderated, by me, Gina Weathersby.
When the food photography workshops I gave ended, and no one wanted them to, I started a private creative space and called it Grey Salt Collective.
A community where learning and practicing continue through monthly themes, prompts, and challenges.
Pop over HERE for my unofficial BIO.
Nope. It’s a completely free community.
Because community is way more fun than going it alone. Plus, you know that consistency + practice is what makes you better at what you do, but sometimes it’s tough to get started, narrow the choices of where to start down. That’s why prompts are super helpful. They take out that part of the equation.
Plus .. you’ll regularly grow your skills (like clockwork), push your our own creativity, create new content (consistently), and be part of a really cool, engaged community.
Not even one tiny downside.
The easiest way is to SUBSCRIBE TO MY NEWSLETTER. You’ll never miss a thing. You also get extra goodies like additional tips, free resources & so much more.
If you want to give it all a test drive, follow me @gina_weathersby and @greysaltcollective on the gram where I post the challenges the 1st of each month.
Just follow the guidelines for each challenge, which are posted along with the prompts, and start creating.
Whatever your skill level, wherever you are on your journey, you are welcome.
I truly believe in working with the equipment that you have right now, so whatever that looks like for you, use it.
YES, please do!
NOTE* The judges will look on the #greysaltcollective feed to view all submissions, so please don’t forget to add the tag OR your image(s) will not be seen!
but it was the challenge that made me do it! My kitchen gets really direct morning light and I have never once shot an image in it.
The challenge had me seeing this light in a new way and when my breakfast looked pretty, the light that I usually ignore became an opportunity! I feel pretty darn grateful for this group and these challenges landing in my life when I really needed them.”
laura v.
March’s Theme is ‘Shades of Marigold’ If you’re in my Grey Salt Collective Facebook Group you’ve seen this one before, and might remember it was
After a rather long hiatus, how exciting it was to start things back up with a prompt that I have been saving all year ..
Between the Facebook Group, my instagram account, and really any chance I get, the subject of hard lighting has been coming up frequently; and this
In my post, One Light . Food Photography, I briefly talk about the different kinds of light we can use in our food photography.That generally
It’s safe to say that the group enjoyed the latest Grey Salt Collective food photography prompt of Shades of Marigold. Reading your comments about how
At its most basic level, photography requires a light source and a receiver to record an image to.Today let’s talk about light, and specifically using